Sorry to Bother You

                     Photo from Newsweek
   Going into this, I was not expecting what I got. This is not necessarily a bad thing though.
   Cassius ( Lakieth Stanfield) is desperate for a job. He gets desperate enough to head to the local telemarketing company. As many people know, they hire anyone. He starts out struggling in the job. This was until he was taught the way of the job. Find your "white man" voice. This allows him grow exponentially, and strange things begin to happen.
   The film had great performances all around, but in specific from Armie Hammer. Something that should be recognized in the Spirit Awards, maybe not the OSCARS.
   I was very taken aback by the end of the film it takes such a left turn, into something, I won't get into. There will be some of you that want to see this, and I will not spoil this for anyone. I think that I enjoyed it because I knew what they were trying to say. I will admit, when some art movies go off on their allegories or metaphors, I get lost. This time, I knew where it was going.
   One issue I had with this movie was when they were switching to the "white guy" voices. The voice did not match with the lips moving.
  Generally, I am pretty apprehensive to art films, but perhaps this was something special.


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