Leave No Trace

  One thing that would put me in a seat back in the day was Ben Foster's attachment to it.  When you add the director of "Winter's Bone", let's just say my expectations were very high.
  Will (Ben Foster) and his daughter Tom (Thomasin McKenzie) are living in an Oregon state park off the land. One mistake changes their lives forever.
   The thing that carried this film more than anything was the performances of the leads. Not to be weird, but if I am watching a Ben Foster movie, I am expecting his performance to be great, even if the movie is not. What surprised me the most, was the performance of Thomasin McKenzie. She is fantastic as a thirteen year old with little social skills, and how she learns to enter society is fantastic. She is someone to watch in the years to come.
  This movie was shot in Oregon and used it's scenery to the utmost. This was a beautiful movie to watch. The way that the woods and wildlife were capture was a real treat.
    This movie was a very personal movie for both the leads. The way the camera was able to portray them was beautiful.
  If I had to be picky, I would say that this movie would have liked to have seen a more gritty tone.
 I could go on, and on about this movie but you have come here for what's below.
Post Review: Photos are from the Sundance film festival.


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