Hotel Transylvania 3

    With a series that started in 2012, it has seen two previous entries to this series. Both of them have  been huge, so we must ask the question, why not squeeze everything out of this idea?
  This time around Drac (Adam Sandler), is letting the the stress of running the hotel get to him. On top of this he is dying for a connection with someone else. Mavis (Selena Gomez) sees his pain, and decides the best way to deal with it is to take everyone on a monster cruise. Not everything is as it seems as an old enemy returns.
   The series as a whole never tries to out due itself. It stays a one note series. when you make it as far as a third movie things have to change or you become old news. Watching this third one, I could not help but feel bored.
  When watching comedies you expect to laugh, again through this third entry, I found that to not be the case. There was two times, where the jokes got me to smile, but thats it. I am not hard to impress.
    When it comes to Adam Sandler, people do not expect quality material. When he made the jump to Netflix, many believe that it was because no one wanted to deal with his "quality " anymore. When we got things like "Ridiculous Six" and "Do- Over ", it was hard not to agree with them. I'm not saying this is a good movie, but it is an incredible improvement on anything he puts out on Netflix. There is a charm to this story, something that could be made good with some improvements. That is something that can not be said for every Sandler film. If he could make things like this, or god forbid, better a rebound could happen if he tried.
   With these movies doing as consistently well as they do, it will only be a matter of time before we see a fourth entry.


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