Sharp Objects Episode 4

  With the revelation of  a recent personal tragedy Camille has faced while in the mental institution, it begs the question, what else will be revealed.
   The start of the episode has Detective Willis trying to bridge the communication gap with the Chief (Matt Craven). He believes that Camille knows something that she is not saying. He tells the chief that if he can get it from her, he will pass it a long, and he would appreciate if the same was done for him.
  Camille goes to lunch with Adora's (Patricia Clarkson) friends without her mother. This is because of her cut on her hand, according to her, her friends believe differently. When Camille gets to the restaurant all the friends, are asking who she believe killed the girls. It is thrown around that the Nash father was involved and John Keane as the other possibility.
     There is a strange scene towards the middle of the episode where Amma turns on the Tupac song "Dear Momma". What was strange to me was that it has not fit the tone of the series so far at all. Secondly, the all proper mother was into it.
  Later that day, Willis goes on a tour of murder scenes of the town from Camille. The trade was for history of the town, for on the record answers for the recent murders. By the end of the tour they both came to the conclusion that the victims knew their attackers. It was implied that Camille was raped in the woods by the football when she was in high school.  The will they or wont they of Detective Willis and Camille comes to be.
  With this episode it seems like more of the personalities of the characters are coming out, especially from Detective Willis and Adora. While it is a slow series, I really feel like the only way it will work is if things are revealed slowly.


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