Mama Mia: Here We Go Again

  There are an increasing amount of sequels that are coming out ten or more years after the original had dropped. This week another one has been added to the pile, with "Mama Mia". The question is, was the sequel needed.
  The story comes back five years later, to find Sophie (Amanda Seyfried) trying to reopen the hotel that her mother, Donna (Meryl Streep) opened. Everyone comes back to help her with the task, including her dad's (Colin Firth, Pierce Brosnan, and Stellan Skarsgard).
  Going into this, I am not gunna lie, I really wanted to hate this movie. The result well, I will get to that. I will first say that the 2008 one, was not good, except for a few songs. I really have to think, that a big reason there is a sequel is because of Richard Curtis. For those of you that do not know, he is the man behind "Love Actually" and "Four Weddings and a Funeral".
  I do think that the only way this story was going to work is the way it was done, have it as a prequel and a sequel at the same time. People say but the first one took care of the prequel of this movie. You would be right to a point when it comes to this. They need to make a complete picture of the past, to make sense of the sequel part of the story. The original did not have enough to go on, to pain the complete picture. Having said this, there is quite a few times where it got way too corny. There were a few times where I was rolling my eyes.
  In the technical side of this movie I had the same issue with this, as I did with "Book Club". They used way too many green screens, and it was very noticeable. When that happens, it tends to destroy my viewing experience.
  Overall, not the greatest movie, but a huge improvement over the original.


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