Westworld Season 2- A Look Back

    We now have come to the end of season 2. Now the question becomes how did it stack up?
    The story starts with the humans coming back in and "taking" the park.  William aka the man in black makes the trek across Westworld to destroy the forge.  At the party, Dolores had her eyes open thanks to Bernard. She massacres  a massive amount of people and heads out to find "the door to freedom". Teddy never had a choice, but to go with her because being programed to be so in love with her. That means no mater what he was always going to have to follow her.  Maeve was all about finding her daughter, along the she discovers some very interesting powers, she now has. Finally, Bernard spends the entire season trying to figure out while all of his memories are out of order.
     In quality, I think the episodes varied in quality. I think that it started out great, but when all the members of the "group" started to get their own episodes, it did drag a bit. But when they started to come back together towards the end, it picked up. When it got to the end, it seemed to undo things that made an impact this season.  They made it seem like even being a host, when you die you die for real. The finale comes and completely undoes it. The example of that, is Teddy committing suicide, then somehow ending up in the "safe haven" for the hosts.
  One thing  I really enjoyed, story wise, was the return of Robert Ford. I loved that he knew that Dolores would kill him, so he programmed himself into the computer, to be able to see that his plan was finished.
  The performances of this show are great all around. Especially in the case of Evan Rachel Wood (Dolores) and Jeff Wright (Bernard). The huge emotional arcs that the both of them must go through is insane. The Emmy nominations are released today on the 25th of June.  If they are not on this list, to put in nicely, a horrible injustice has been done. 
 In the end, while not as good as the first season, its still incredibly thought provoking, and fun.


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