Westworld Season 2 Episode 9

     How do you wind a season down like that of season 2 of Westworld? You take a deep dive into the loneliness of the main four.
     The episode focuses mostly on the man in black telling his daughter (Katja Herbers) about the night that her mother committed suicide. They were all at a fundraiser for something or other, and Juliet (Sela Ward), the mother, was upset. William takes her home, and puts her to bed. She asks "What of this is real?" He more or less admits its not real, that he belongs to a different world.
     Just as he and his daughter were about to be rescued by Delos, he murdered the rescue team and his daughter, because he thought they were hosts designed to mess with him as apart of Ford's game. 
    Maeve was about to be killed off when she received a message from the digital "Ford" telling her that the hosts were his children and she was his favorite of them. She was told to fight, not just die, and she does. To what extant, we don't know yet, my guess is we will have to wait a week to find out.
     The Dolores and Teddy relationship came to a head in this episode, as well. On their way to the "Great Weapon", they run into a party of Indians, were, of course they kill them all. The fight triggers something in Teddy, he remembers all of his past lives, including what Dolores did to him. When they are alone, he tells her that he in fact remembers everything she did to him. He also said that he would not hurt her, and love her till the day he died, which was today.
  Moving on to the final major character, Bernard. He is trying to stop the host takeover from getting any worse, which is hard when you have two personalities in your head. On their way to the "weapon", Ford appears, trying to get Bernard, to kill Elise, because she will betray him its what humans do. He fights Ford out and leaves Elise there, because she would be safer without him.
     This episode left us with a lot more questions, than answers, when it came to the man in black. With Juliet asking if he was real, that the final man in black shot of the episode? Is he an android or just crazy?  I always get mixed feelings when shows do this , but it is to keep the people coming back. Having said that, the Man in black story stole this episode for me. It was so heart-breaking, that it, in fact, rivaled the previous episode, very well. I do hope that his wife and child come back in flashbacks of some kind, the story  was so compelling.
     So we have one episode left, with an episode like this one here, how can you make it more explosive?


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