Westworld Season 2 - Episode 7

   With the big reveal of Ford (Anthony Hopkins) in the previous episode, I was excited to see where this episode was going to go.
   This weeks episode starts out with the discovery by the "rescue crew" people that Bernard is a host and not a human. The story than flashes back to the attack on the headquarters, vis a vis the result of the train explosion from the end of the last episode. There is a lot of time spent in the cradle with the interaction between Ford and Bernard. We got the back story in how Bernard came to be. The big thing that came out of the time in the cradle, was Ford followed Bernard back into his brain so they can occupy it together. We end the episode with Dolores and Peter Abernathy  being over

   One thing that is kind of getting to me about this season is the fact that the hosts, lead by Dolores, really has not had any real challenge. They really have never had any challenge to complete the goals they have had. It has been all about how bad they can screw up up the humans. It would be nice to see them have some sort of conflict.
   In the end, bringing Ford back into the same brain to fight each other is what I love about this episode.


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