Succession Season 1 Episode 3

   The bombshell of the three billion dollar loan hanging over Kendall's head takes the center stage for this episode. The question was will their stock go under 130, If it does they will owe the bank the three point five billion in full. Kendall first tries to negotiate the companies way out of this, which proved that he could not communicate very well. So he has to go and get his "friend's" company to get the money and offer them a bunch of company perks.
 The other half of the episode centers around Shiv's  (Sarah Snook) war with her step mother over the ability to see Logan. She goes as far as get a background check to see whether or not she was just after the families money. By the time Shiv was able to see her father, let's just say it did not go as planned.
  The absolute biggest issue is  Gregg's ( Nicholaus Braun) storyline. For the first three episodes, his existence in this series has been close to pointless. I am not saying that, I hate the actor or anything I just would love to see his story pick up.
     The story is developing with great potential, if you can fix a certain story line.


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