Won't you be my Neighbor?

So you my or may not know, this is my first pass at a documentary. All I can say is I will do my best. Being born in the 1980s, I was well versed in Fred Rogers and his show. His show always had a special place in my heart. Going into this, I have to say that I was worried the heart was not going to be in it. I am very glad to say that I was wrong. This documentary did not take the route of just talking about his life. It took the route of talking about the show, and the values Rogers had to make the show great. It never got to the point that it felt that they were beating the viewer over the head with his ideals. It hit the right note of sentiment and that worked for the feelings department. The one thing that did surprise me, but in a good way, was the attack that the news did on Rogers. Even though it was brief, it was nice to keep things objective. In terms of presentation, I believe the material was presented the best way it...