The Last of Us Episode 2 and Retrospective


Property of Warner Brothers Discovery

                So, since I missed the first episode discussion with everyone, here we go.
    I was in the group that many of you were, I played the game a long time ago and loved it. Both of the games are among my favorites. Many attempts were made to adapt at least the first games. With the streak that video game movies have had, from "Street Fighter" to "Uncharted", they all leave you feeling less than fulfilled. What would make " The Last of us" any different?
    In 2019 the massively successful "Chernobyl" came out, from creator Craig Maizin. This series was haunting and captured. beautifully. This was a show that left an impression on you. When it was announced that it would become a show from the creator of "Chernobyl" and the actual creator of the game itself, Neil Druckmann, I was shocked. Looking back at the vast history of video game films, I never thought the answer could come in the form of television.
    Before it was announced who would be playing Joel, I always struggled with the thought of who that might be, Ellie, maybe even more.  The problem you have with books and games is what you get n your mind as to what these characters should look like. When Pedro Pascal and Bella Ramsey were announced, it just seemed to fit. I think once Pedro got his beard and Bella was in the game outfit, I got it. 
     Quickly on the first episode. I was shocked at how accurate it was to the game. I was always a fan of the beginning of the game and the building of the world it did. The young actress that played Sarah was a wonder. She is pivotal to the character building of Joel, but damn. The one thing I will say that deterred me is the pacing felt like it fell off towards the end of the episode.
    This episode is all about that fateful trip through Boston. Joel and Tess are wondering could Ellie truly be immune. What is the catch? Can they make to their destination with the infected all around them?
  Like the first episode there was a flashback scene that gave us more of a backstory as to what was going on in the world. This time we got the reasoning as to how the infection spreads, Both the talk show and this episode do a great job of giving you exposition, but not letting it feel like a dump. Many films and shows a like do not know how to toe the line and this never feels like it over does it.
    With this episode we get introduced to the clickers. For those that have played the game know what a pain in the butt they are. With all the zombie shows and movies out these days, the bar was set high. They nailed the design. I loved the brightness of the fungal designed face. As you move down the body, it becomes worn torn and disgusting. It is truly a beautiful sight.     
     The set design is a wonder. There is seriously detail put into it to create such a haunting atmosphere that has brought creepiness to the quietest of scenes. On top of there being game accurate scenes, the sets look so much like the game. This adds to the enjoyment of an experience.
   The fact that this was a tighter episode helped me to enjoy this one more than the previous episode. I say bring them all on!


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