A Look Back: Fright Night 1985

                                                  Fright Night Turned Los Angeles into Anytown, USA


  I state this as always I do not own the rights to this, they belong to Columbia pictures. I should say this is really not a look back, I first actually saw this movie yesterday. I have been well versed in the 2011 version with the late great Anton Yelchin. That was a fun film. I have to say, my expectations for this were a little low. The track record for 80's horror is spotty at best, so why would this be any different.

     The story revolves around Charley Brewster (William Ragsdale) living a seemingly normal teenage life. What happens when a vampire ( Chris Sarandon) moves in next store? Do you ignore it or do you fight?

   I think, out of everything, what stood out to me, that stood out, was the performances. This movie had to be horror but have comedic elements. I think that across the board it works. I think were it truly shines is from Chris Sarandon (Jerry Dandridge) and Roddy McDowall (Peter Vincent).  Dandridge is, no doubt, the villain of the story. The big thing you needed was for him to have so much charisma, that it be hard not to like him. Sarandon nails this part. Roddy Mcdowall's, Peter Vincent character, was there to inject the comedy into the story. When it comes to characters that have to be the audiences eye into the movie, sometimes they can be overdone. What I mean, eye into the movie is, whatever character it is talking to the other characters in the film, like you the audience would. When it comes to this film its done very lightly. He is made a likeable character even though he is not a good person in the beginning of the film.

 As a movie going society, we have been spoiled when it comes to special effects. A lot of times when you look back at older  movies the use of practical effects can be off putting. "Fright Night" uses a lot of practical, and it works. To me, I really think it rivaled the Indiana Jones series. It is expensive now, but I wish things would stay more practical.

 In the end, this movie was a great surprise for me. This easily goes toward the top of my list of horror films.



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