Victor Frankenstein


     When doing a monster film especially after the classics of the 1920's and 30's, to me, there has to be decent amount of homage to the original while making your own thing.
     This movie centers around Igor (Daniel Radcliffe) and his start as a circus hunchback. When a trapeze accident occurs Igor meets Victor Frankenstein to save the artist. Victor ( James McAvoy) sees something in him and springs him from the circus. The rest is legend.
    Ok there are several notes on this film. If you call a movie Victor Frankenstein do not have the main character be igor, that's wrong. There is no development of the Victor or Igor characters. The monster is something of legenf, and he was mishandled as well.
In the end when you remake a film it needs to be improved on and in no ways has this film done that.


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