Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 2

          This week brings us the last in the Hunger Games series, Mockingjay Part 2. Following the success of the split of the last book of the Harry Potter franchise, Hunger Games also split it's last book in two films, in hope to mirror this success.
     So with trying to not give too many spoilers away for those who have not read the book, the whole story of the last half of the book is to get Katniss (Jenifer Lawrence) to the presidential palace to kill President Snow ( Donald Sutherland).
     This film is all about the action that part 1 sorely lacked. The problem was with the parts that were not action , primarily the Peta Katniss relationship, to me, seemed to not really work in the story. The large amount of the story is making Panem a democratic country. The relationship part just seems to be added. This why I believe the Mockingjay book should have one film. All of the story occured in part one, leaving the story hard to ground in the last one. Also the last half is 95 percent depressing, which I personally would not send a franchise off on that way, cuts could have been made.
      I feel that director Francis Lawrence did all that he could with what he had. There were pluses to the film, like the visual effects of the film were spot on, especially in the zombie scene, and I really enjoyed the performance of Donald Sutherland. He really was believable as a tyrant on his last leg.
      In the end it had a lot of excellent visual effects and great action, the story just seemed to lack in the end


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