Love the Coopers

           I really wanted to like this movie, I thought it had a very entertaining trailer. It has a very big cast including Diane Keaton, John Goodman, Alan Arkin and Ed Helms. On top of that, as embarrassing as this may be, I do have a soft spot for sentimental Christmas movies.
           To put this in as short of a summary as possible, it is the day before Christmas at the parents house (John Goodman and Diane Keaton), it is all about the crazyness that ensues on the day.
         First of all this film is advertised as comedy when it is very much not. It is very much on the drama side with a  slight comedy. Another problem it has is way too many characters in one film. When there are so many characters in one movie it is hard to develop any of the characters to the point where people care. With so many characters it is also hard for the story to have focus.
         In the end it seems like they really tries to be a good family Christmas film, but it had too much on it's plate.


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