The Good Dinosaur

When you think of Pixar, you think of greatness like Inside Out and Toy Story. This week brought the second Pixar film of the year, the Good Dinosaur. We as the film viewing nation, get two Pixar films because it was thought that what they had with Good Dinosaur so far was not up to the par of Pixar. People were let go, things were redone and here we go.
This has a great concept, what happens if the asteroid never hit and the dinosaurs lived.  Arlo is the smallest of three kids of Ma(Fracnces McDormand) and Pa (Jeffery Wright). The family is all about making their mark, or going above and beyond one self. Arlo's brother and sister do it pretty fast, but Arlo cant find his courage. When he is swept away by a river and dragged miles from anything he knows, he has to find courage to get home.
This review is one where I am at a bit of a loss for words because really its not that there was so much wrong with it as in the fact there was absolutely nothing special about it. It really was no where near the level Pixar is at, so I am wondering what exactly was so bad that it was scraped. To me, this is Pixar's most average movie to date.


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