Star Wars Trailer discussion

       So by now most of the free world has seen the latest trailer for the Force Awakens. From what I have read and heard most of what people are crazy for this film.
    It was interesting to me that through the whole trailer, nothing in terms of what it is about, which could be bad or good depending on the way you look at it. There are many interesting little tid bits in the trailer.  It was interesting to see one of the characters, unknown to us now, going through down star destroyers.
   Over all, this has the feel of the original three films, which lacked in the prequels to me, quite horribly. I do hope that is something that I can count on come December 18th.
   The question on everybody's mind is how will it do in the money department. We all know it has the potential to be really big but how big? Will it break the 650 million record set by Jurassic World? There is also the dismal 350 million return of the Revenge of the Sith. There is the case of the ticket inflation. This will be something that is a lot harder to predict than people think it is as to exactly how much this will make.


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