The Revanent

I have been putting this post off for a long time because I really haven't been sure which way I wanted to grade this movie. Going in, I heard nothing but great things so I was very pumped for the movie.
The movie stars Leo DiCaprio as Hugh Glass, a tracker that helps a fur trade company through the wilderness. After Glass is viciously attacked by a bear it leaves him unable to walk and speak. With being under constant threat of attack from the Indians, Fitzgerald (Tom Hardy) wants to end his pain and go. So, in the middle of doing the act, Glass's son interupts and tries to get help. Fitzgerald murders him and burrys Glass alive. Glass crawls out,and wants revenge.
First of all the stand out for the movie is how well it is shot. It really shows the beauty of the wilderness. One thing I was surprised about was the gruesome things that happened in the movie, but that is probably just me.
My biggest issue with this film is the pacing. Ninety-five percent of this movie had a very slow pace, but the rest is war violence that gets dropped in at random parts of the movie. To me, it throws off the story just a little.


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